Friday, November 19, 2010


I'm feeling totally bah-humbug this year. I'm not looking forward to the holidays for anything other than a few days off. I just want rest; I want complete rejuvenation over the next week and the month off for Christmas. I just need a vacation from everything.

I hate the American tradition of presents and giving. It's to much. It's just a drain on our time and money. There are thousands of impoverished people around the world in dire need of their next meal. Yesterday on the news they were talking about how empty most of the local food banks are because of the increasing number of people needing food and the decreasing number of people giving. There are many families even in our own backyard who won't have enough to feed their family over the holidays.

I think I need a total change this year. I would rather give to those who need this year and see a difference made. I want to help others instead of recieve things that I really didn't even want or need in the first place. People have been asking me what is on my list and honestly I can't think of one thing. But I can tell you what is on my heart, those who are less fortunate than me.

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